Mr. Luis Vargas-Iturriaga » Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules
  1. Always follow directions.
  2. Bring all materials to class.
  3. Do all work that is assigned.
  4. Be respectful to all classmates.
  5. Do not interrupt others when they are speaking.
  6. Be in class on time.
  7. Do not write on your desks!
  8. Cell phones or electronic devices may not be used in class!
  9. No profanity or vulgar language.
  10. Stay in your seat until the bell rings!
Virtual Classroom Rules 
  1. Use appropriate language in all communications including class meetings and emails.
  2. Allow others to finish speaking before adding to the conversation.
  3. Bullying in any form, including cyber bullying, will not be tolerated.
  4. Be dressed and “school ready” at the start of each class.
  5. Your face should be visible on the screen at all times 
Infractions of rules will result in disciplinary action which will include:
1. Student/Teacher Conference
2. Detention (30 minutes)
3. Parent/Teacher Conference (Phone call)
4. Incident Report