Room 103

Content VocabularyContent Vocabulary (period 1)
Welcome to my Bolsa Grande HS homepage. 
If you want to get to the content, just above are the class pages. Click the ELL English Language (black) icon for Integrated ELD B classes (periods 3 and 4) and click the ERWC icon for ERWC classes (periods 5 and 6).
 About Me
I am a HufflepuffThis is my fifth year teaching at Bolsa, but not my first year teaching. I had previously taught English Language Arts for ten years at Mayfair High School in Lakewood, California. Here at Bolsa I relish the opportunity to be an ELD teacher--a focus that is not new to me.

I have dedicated my time in public education to providing the best education possible for my students, and have worked to help address the major challenges we as educators face moving forward. With best practice always in mind, I continually work to design a curriculum that is student-centered, one that is engaging, meaningful, and relevant to their lives. I’ve considered it my professional obligation to not only be informed of but involved in educational shifts as they happen. I have devoted my time outside of the classroom to helping my educational community in any way that I can.


Yet there is no place I’d rather be than in the classroom as a teacher. That bright passion that I held as a first year teacher to convince every single student to share my undying love for literature has matured, and now, ten years in, I work from a real understanding of the challenges in assisting a community of learners of diverse linguistic, cultural, socio-economic backgrounds. I’ve come to understand that I teach students before I teach a subject, and I serve a generation whose literacy is changing with the rapid increase in use of digital devices and social media. I embrace the challenge and look forward to better serving students acquire the necessary skills to read--and write--the world as they become citizens of the 21st century.