Testing Information » CST


The CST’s are a major component of the STAR program. The CST’s are developed by California educators and test developers specifically for California. They measure students' progress toward achieving California's state-adopted academic content standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in each grade and subject tested. Results for the CST in English–language arts include the student’s percent correct for each of five content areas: word analysis and vocabulary development; reading comprehension; literary response and analysis; written conventions; and writing strategies.

Release Questions: Practice Questions can be found on the following website:
The purpose: To measure the student’s academic achievement.

The Cost: Free

Who takes it? Students in grades two through eleven take multiple-choice CST’s in various subjects.

Location for testing: Students will take the test at their current high school campus.

How to get the results: Results of the CST’s must be reported to parents and guardians within 20 working days after the school district has received them from the testing contractor. The STAR Student Reports for the CST’s are sent by the school district to each student’s home. Most parents and guardians will receive their child’s STAR Student Report by the end of September.

Note: Parents and guardians should be reminded that individual student’s scores for the CST’s and other STAR Program tests are confidential and maintained only by the school district.